Dorchester Middle School


Dorchester Middle School recognises that the welfare of the child is paramount and takes seriously its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children and young people in its care.

Dorchester Middle School recognises it is the duty and responsibility of everyone in the school community to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. Everyone at Dorchester Middle School understands they have a personal responsibility to notice when a child or young person may be at risk of harm and to pass on their concerns to the Safeguarding Team who can work with other agencies to protect them.

Safeguarding children and young people means protecting them from abuse or neglect. It also means working with other agencies to support families and creating an environment in school where children and young people feel safe and healthy.

Whilst we may, on occasion, need to make referrals to Children’s Social Care without consultation with parents, we will make every effort to maintain a positive working relationship with them whilst fulfilling our duties to protect children.

Children will be given an explanation, appropriate to their age and understanding of what action is being taken on their behalf and why.

The Safeguarding Team at Dorchester Middle School:

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is:

Miss Georgina Clements


The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

(L3 Child Protection trained staff)


Mrs Fiona Ray                     -               Ms Elly Layfield                -                 Mr Fraser Kelsall

Mrs Andrea Watson          -                Mrs Angela Woodruff    -                  Mrs Chantal Emery

Mr Rob Murray                  -                 Miss Sophie Easton


Safeguarding Governor

Ms Zoe Jarvis


Links for parents and carers to support them to keep children and young people safe online:

Information Link for parents and carers about Domestic Abuse:

How to report a Safety Concern about a Child:

Anyone can report any concerns they have about the safety of a child or young person to the single point of contact in Dorset. The Dorset Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) has been renamed to the “Child Advice and Duty Service”.


01202 228866



If you believe a child is in immediate danger then please call 999.

Safeguarding Policies

Please see our Policies and Procedures section: Statutory Information / Policies and Procedures


National Online Safety Advice

Online Safety - WhatsApp_2023.pdf


National Online Safety - Social Media and Mental Health.pdf

Fifa - National Online Safety.pdf

National Online Safety - Tiktok.pdf

National Online Service Among Us Guide.pdf

Social Media Guidance

Fortnite Social Media Update Oct 19.pdf


Momo Advice to Parents.pdf

Safeguarding - App factsheet.pdf


Social Media Guidance.pdf

Safeguarding Blue Whale July 2020.doc.pdf

Online Safety poster.pdf

Quick Links

Quick Links