Catchment Area
Please note that as an Academy we have appointed Dorset Council to manage Normal Year of Entry (Y5 September intake) applications, on our behalf. Please see Dorset Council for details and contact the School Admissions Team if you have any questions. Tel. 01305 221060 or email:
Applications for outside the September intake or for other year groups should also be made via the Dorset Council.
SEND admission applications (for pupils who have an EHCP), including those pupils transferring from Year 4 to 5 or Year 8 to 9, have to be made via the Local Authority SEND admissions department. All SEND admissions are made via consultation with the Local Authority, please contact them directly.
A Parents' Guide on Admissions can be found here: Parents' guide - Dorset Council
In accordance with the Legal requirements, the Governors of The Dorchester Middle School publish their admissions policy. The arrangements are reviewed annually by the Governors.
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