Student Voice and Leadership
Being a student at Dorchester Middle School means that you have a say in your education at every level.
We know that if you are happy at our school, you will do well in all areas of your learning. From your lesson in class, break and lunchtimes and any extracurricular offers we have in store for you.
There are many ways you can get involved in sharing your views in school. Here are just a few…
- Pupil voice – Your tutor may ask you to meet with the deputy head to talk about teaching and learning in our school – what are your views – are we as teachers helping you to learn in the best way possible? In these sessions we listen to your perspective and will often adapt our teaching to help you make as much progress as possible!
- Pupil survey – Over the course of the year we will ask your opinion twice through a school survey. Here is a great chance for you to take some time to really reflect on what you love at school, and what we can do to make it even better. Our survey covers learning in lessons to whether you are feeling safe and supported in all areas outside the classroom. We take your feedback seriously.
- Student Council - Perhaps you want to see change and you are a leader. Each year you will have the opportunity to be a voice for your tutor group and help enable change in the school – exciting stuff! As a member of the Student Council, you will have the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament – understand how a law is passed and how change from the top can have a positive impact on everyone! If this is for you – make sure you put yourself forward to be voted in!
- School prefect – this is open to our year 8 pupils. This is an opportunity for you to take on some key responsibilities around the school. You may take prospective parents on tours around our school – sharing lots of information around what DMS is like as a pupil. You are likely to be given many jobs by teachers as you are seen as a responsible young person who can help with tasks such as directing parents to teachers on parent’s evening.
- Anti-Bullying Ambassador (ABA) – Here at DMS we are passionate that all pupils feel safe and supported at school. Your role as an ABA is to make sure that you can be a voice for those who are feeling like they need some support – to be an upstander in situations where pupils may feel worried or anxious. You will receive training around this, and we will equip you with key skills to help continue keeping our school a safe school for all pupils.
- Head boy and Head girl (Year 8) – You may be nominated to become Head boy or Head girl – this happens when you have shown true leadership and teachers see these skills in you. You have key roles throughout the year.
- Sports Ambassadors – You will be involved in sports day, help run clubs with teachers, lead some warm-up and warm-down sessions in PE lessons and generally be a great ambassador for sports and our school! If you are passionate about this – this is the role for you.
- Reading ambassadors – If you are a lover of books – you will love this role! You will help in the library and support others with their reading.
There are so many ways in our school that you can flourish and be the person you want to be! Use your voice to make DMS the best school it can be for you.