First Aid and Medication
When your child is unwell or has an accident at school, they are seen in the Medical Room by our Lead First Aider or another member of staff who is first aid trained. Illnesses and minor accidents are dealt with in school. In the event of a more serious incident, parents are notified and on rare occasions, when required, we may call for medical attention.
We kindly ask parents to inform us of any illnesses or injuries their child may have so we can keep a record of this on your child’s file. If a child requires any medication to be administered in school hours, we ask that the medication is bought into the office and a consent form is completed. It is also a Health & Safety requirement that medication is named and in the original box and is stored in the medical room. Medications should not be kept by the child. At the end of each academic year, all medications are disposed of excluding inhalers and EpiPens. If you wish to keep the medication, you can arrange to collect this from the office at the end of the year. If your child still requires medication for the next academic year, a new form should be completed.
Inhalers are kept in the medical room and are accessible to your child throughout the school day. We also have our own emergency inhalers which are used in the event of an emergency and your child’s inhaler is not available or is unusable. Parental consent must be given for your child to use the emergency inhaler. Consent forms can be collected from the office.