It is our pleasure to welcome you to Dorchester Middle School. Our core value is 'Respect'; Respect for each other, Respect for our school, Respect for learning.
Our vision for our school and our community is that we all live the values of ROARS - we are Ready, Original, Ambitious, Respectful and Safe. These values are taught through our curriculum and underpin our behaviour for learning systems.
We are committed to providing education opportunities of the highest quality for all our pupils. We aim to deliver a broad education that is ambitious and stimulating in a caring environment that creates well-rounded individuals who are ready for the challenge of tomorrow. At Dorchester Middle School we are inclusive and a school for all in our community. We aim to meet the needs of all our pupils whatever it takes.
We are proud to welcome visitors into our school and if you would like to see exactly how Dorchester Middle School ROARS, please contact our main office to arrange a visit.