Uniform & Equipment
Dorchester Middle School has a school uniform policy and we ask for the co-operation of parents in ensuring that pupils adhere to this. If for any reason this is not possible, please leave a note in your child's diary. Below is the school uniform checklist which specifies if an item is required or optional as well as where to buy it from.
Please order from:
Dorset Schoolwear,
The Old Rock Factory,
Caroline Place,
Tel: 01305 760804
School Uniform Checklist
Item | Optional/Required | Where from? |
Light blue shirt |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Dorchester Middle School Tie |
Required |
Buy from Dorset Schoolwear |
Blue v-necked school sweatshirt with school logo |
Required |
Buy from Dorset Schoolwear |
* Plain black shoes |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Plain smart black or dark grey trousers Or Plain black or dark grey skirt (no shorter than 5cm above the knee) Or Plain black or dark grey shorts (knee length) |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Grey/Black ankle socks/knee length socks Dark grey/black tights |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Coat |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Whole School PE Kit | ||
Navy shorts (football style only) |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Light blue T-Shirt with school logo |
Required |
Buy from Dorset Schoolwear |
White Socks |
Optional |
Training shoes or plimsolls |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Whole School Games Kit | ||
Navy and sky blue rugby shirt |
Y5 & 6 - Optional Y7 & 8 - Required |
Buy from Dorset Schoolwear |
Navy shorts (football style only) |
Required |
Buy from Dorset Schoolwear |
Navy football socks with sky blue top |
Required |
Buy from Dorset Schoolwear |
Football/Rugby boots |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
DMS sports Hoodie |
Optional |
Buy from Dorset Schoolwear. |
Gum Shield |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
*Black school shoes
Acceptable school footwear is black leather/leather-looking. Footwear must be 100% black (no additional colour), low heeled, no high-ankle/boots unless they are under trousers. Shoes that have brand logos on the side will be permitted so long as the shoe remains: 100% black (no additional colour including any white flecks/logos).
Jewellery – we discourage wearing of jewellery in school, however if pupils wish to, it is acceptable to wear one flat finger ring; one pair of ear stud earrings and a watch (all items are the pupil’s responsibility and worn at the pupil’s own risk). No other visible piercings allowed. Pupils are not permitted to wear nose studs/rings or any other facial or body piercings in school.
Extremes of fashion (e.g. brightly coloured hair) make-up, nail varnish or nail extensions are not permitted. Long hair must be tied back for all practical subjects.
In the interests of health and safety and security in practical lessons, the school requests that children do not wear jewellery or watches and hair is tied back on the days they have PE and/or games/DT and Science lessons. If ear studs cannot be removed they MUST be taped over with a plaster bought from home.
Equipment Checklist
Item | Optional/Required | Where from? |
Home School Diary |
Required |
Supplied by DMS |
School Bag |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
2 Blue handwriting pens (no biros) |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Purple pen |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Pencil |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Ruler |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Eraser |
Required |
Buy from any shop |
Highlighter Pens |
Optional |
Buy from any shop |
Colouring Pencils |
Optional |
Buy from any shop |
Please Note: No Pencil Sharpeners, these will be provided by school.
Thomas hardye school uniform
Please see link to the Thomas Hardye School Website regarding their uniform and photos about correct school shoes.