Home Learning Policy
Home learning (homework) is an integral part of the curriculum at Dorchester Middle School. Research by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) shows that homework has a positive impact on pupil progress. Home learning allows pupils to demonstrate the lifelong skills of organisation, independence and resilience. In addition, home learning allows teachers to assess pupil progress and adapt their teaching appropriately.
At Dorchester Middle School, home learning is set in line with the Wessex MAT policy: WMAT Middle Schools' Home Learning Policy (link below)
Teachers may set home learning for the following reasons:
- To formatively assess pupil progress
- To provide extra practice
- To consolidate learning on a topic
- To track learning through a topic
- To stimulate interest in an upcoming topic
Home learning may look different in your child’s subjects across the school as we recognise and celebrate the individual attributes of each subject area.
We have high expectations of the work our pupils can achieve and we celebrate success relevant to the individual learner. We value working with you and your child as we support them to achieve their potential in the following ways:
The role of the pupil:
- To listen to home learning instructions in class and record the relevant information in their home school diaries
- To view the instructions (and, if applicable resources) for the task and deadline date on Google Classroom
- To ensure that home learning is completed and handed in on time
- To attempt all work and try their best
- To highlight any problems with home learning before the deadline by asking a member of staff
The role of the classroom teacher
- To set home learning in line with the Wessex MAT policy
- To set home learning in line with the curriculum
- To provide full and comprehensive instructions
- To upload all home learning, including the deadline, to Google Classroom
- To provide feedback on home learning in a timely manner
- To provide guidance and support, where necessary, to enable pupils to complete home learning assignments
- To support pupils in developing the self-regulation and metacognitive skills needed to be successful in home learning
- To adapt home learning to suit individual learning needs, where appropriate
The role of the families:
- To encourage their child to complete home learning to the best of their ability
- To reinforce the value of home learning through positive feedback and praise
- To provide a table, chair and a quiet place to work
- To help their child to organise their time including taking regular breaks where necessary
- To contact the school at the earliest opportunity with any problems through the home school diary or by contacting the member of staff directly
- To guide their child to appropriate resources locally or online to enhance their understanding and support their learning
If you have any questions about home learning across several subjects, please contact your child’s tutor. If you have a question about home learning in a particular subject, please contact the teacher for that subject.
Please visit our School Policy page to read the Home Learning Policy.